4. 1 Users Guide

or IDT’s list of opinionated howtos.

This section seeks to provide users of the Mila infrastructure with practical knowledge, tips and tricks and example commands.

4.1. 1.1 Welcome to the machine; Logging in to the cluster

To access the Mila Cluster clusters, you will need an account. Please contact Mila systems administrators if you don’t have it already. Our IT support service is available here: https://it-support.mila.quebec/

4.1.1. 1.1.1 SSH Login

You can access the Mila cluster via ssh:

ssh <user>@login.server.mila.quebec -p 2222

Four login nodes are available and accessible behind a Load-Balancer. At each connection, you will be redirected to the least loaded login-node. Each login node can be directly accessed via: login-X.login.server.mila.quebec on port 2222.

The login nodes support the following authentication mechanisms: publickey,keyboard-interactive. If you would like to set an entry in your .ssh/config file, please use the following recommendation:

    Hostname login.server.mila.quebec
    PreferredAuthentications publickey,keyboard-interactive
    Port 2222
    ServerAliveInterval 120
    ServerAliveCountMax 5

The RSA, DSA and ECDSA fingerprints for Mila’s login nodes are:

SHA256:baEGIa311fhnxBWsIZJ/zYhq2WfCttwyHRKzAb8zlp8 (ECDSA)
SHA256:XvukABPjV75guEgJX1rNxlDlaEg+IqQzUnPiGJ4VRMM (DSA)
SHA256:Xr0/JqV/+5DNguPfiN5hb8rSG+nBAcfVCJoSyrR0W0o (RSA)
SHA256:gfXZzaPiaYHcrPqzHvBi6v+BWRS/lXOS/zAjOKeoBJg (ED25519)

4.2. 1.2 Running your code

4.2.1. 1.2.1 SLURM commands guide Basic Usage

The SLURM documentation provides extensive information on the available commands to query the cluster status or submit jobs.

Below are some basic examples of how to use SLURM. Submitting jobs Batch job

In order to submit a batch job, you have to create a script containing the main command(s) you would like to execute on the allocated resources/nodes.

 2#SBATCH --job-name=test
 3#SBATCH --output=job_output.txt
 4#SBATCH --error=job_error.txt
 5#SBATCH --ntasks=1
 6#SBATCH --time=10:00
 7#SBATCH --mem=100Gb
 9module load python/3.5
10python my_script.py

Your job script is then submitted to SLURM with sbatch (ref.)

sbatch job_script
batch: Submitted batch job 4323674

The working directory of the job will be the one where your executed sbatch.


Slurm directives can be specified on the command line alongside sbatch or inside the job script with a line starting with #SBATCH. Interactive job

Workload managers usually run batch jobs to avoid having to watch its progression and let the scheduler run it as soon as resources are available. If you want to get access to a shell while leveraging cluster resources, you can submit an interactive jobs where the main executable is a shell with the srun/salloc (srun/salloc) commands


will start an interactive job on the first node available with the default resources set in SLURM (1 task/1 CPU). srun accepts the same arguments as sbatch with the exception that the environment is not passed.


To pass your current environment to an interactive job, add --preserve-env to srun.

salloc can also be used and is mostly a wrapper around srun if provided without more info but it gives more flexibility if for example you want to get an allocation on multiple nodes. Job submission arguments

In order to accurately select the resources for your job, several arguments are available. The most important ones are:



-n, –ntasks=<number>

The number of task in your script, usually =1

-c, –cpus-per-task=<ncpus>

The number of cores for each task

-t, –time=<time>

Time requested for your job


Memory requested for all your tasks


Select generic resources such as GPUs for your job: --gres=gpu:GPU_MODEL


Always consider requesting the adequate amount of resources to improve the scheduling of your job (small jobs always run first). Checking job status

To display jobs currently in queue, use squeue and to get only your jobs type

squeue -u $USER
33     my_username   myjob   R   2019-03-28T18:33   0:50     1    2        N/A  7000M c1-8g-tiny1 (None) (null) Removing a job

To cancel your job simply use scancel

scancel 4323674

4.2.2. 1.2.2 Partitioning

Since we don’t have many GPUs on the cluster, resources must be shared as fairly as possible. The --partition=/-p flag of SLURM allows you to set the priority you need for a job. Each job assigned with a priority can preempt jobs with a lower priority: unkillable > main > long. Once preempted, your job is killed without notice and is automatically re-queued on the same partition until resources are available. (To leverage a different preemption mechanism, see the Handling preemption)


Max Resource Usage

Max Time



1 GPU, 6 CPUs, mem=32G

2 days


2 GPUs, 8 CPUs, mem=48G

2 days


no limit of resources

7 days

For instance, to request an unkillable job with 1 GPU, 4 CPUs, 10G of RAM and 12h of computation do:

sbatch --gres=gpu:1 -c 4 --mem=10G -t 12:00:00 --partition=unkillable <job.sh>

You can also make it an interactive job using salloc:

salloc --gres=gpu:1 -c 4 --mem=10G -t 12:00:00 --partition=unkillable

The Mila cluster has many different types of nodes/GPUs. To request a specific type of node/GPU, you can add specific feature requirements to your job submission command.

To access those special nodes you need to request them explicitly by adding the flag --constraint=<name>. The full list of nodes in the Mila Cluster can be accessed Node profile description.


To request a Power9 machine

sbatch -c 4 --constraint=power9

To request a machine with 2 GPUs using NVLink, you can use

sbatch -c 4 --gres=gpu:2 --constraint=nvlink



x86_64 (Default)

Regular nodes


Power9 CPUs (incompatible with x86_64 software)


Request a specific amount of GPU memory


Request a specific GPU architecture


Machine with GPUs using the NVLink technology


You don’t need to specify x86_64 when you add a constraint as it is added by default ( nvlink -> x86_64&nvlink ) Information on partitions/nodes

sinfo (ref.) provides most of the information about available nodes and partitions/queues to submit jobs to.

Partitions are a group of nodes usually sharing similar features. On a partition, some job limits can be applied which will override those asked for a job (i.e. max time, max CPUs, etc…)

To display available partitions, simply use

atch     up     infinite     2 alloc  node[1,3,5-9]
atch     up     infinite     6 idle   node[10-15]
pu       up     infinite     6 idle   cpu_node[1-15]
pu       up     infinite     6 idle   gpu_node[1-15]

To display available nodes and their status, you can use

sinfo -N -l
ode[1,3,5-9]   2 batch     allocated 2    246    16000     0  (null)   (null)
ode[2,4]       2 batch     drain     2    246    16000     0  (null)   (null)
ode[10-15]     6 batch     idle      2    246    16000     0  (null)   (null)

and to get statistics on a job running or terminated, use sacct with some of the fields you want to display

sacct --format=User,JobID,Jobname,partition,state,time,start,end,elapsed,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist,workdir -u username
User        JobID    JobName  Partition      State  Timelimit               Start                 End    Elapsed   NNodes      NCPUS        NodeList              WorkDir
-------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------------- --------------------
sername 2398         run_extra+ azureComp+    RUNNING 130-05:00+ 2019-03-27T18:33:43             Unknown 1-01:07:54        1         16 node9         /home/mila/username+
sername 2399         run_extra+ azureComp+    RUNNING 130-05:00+ 2019-03-26T08:51:38             Unknown 2-10:49:59        1         16 node9         /home/mila/username+

or to get the list of all your previous jobs, use the --start=#### flag

sacct -u my_username --start=20190101

scontrol (ref.) can be used to provide specific information on a job (currently running or recently terminated)

scontrol show job 43123
obId=43123 JobName=python_script.py
serId=my_username(1500000111) GroupId=student(1500000000) MCS_label=N/A
riority=645895 Nice=0 Account=my_username QOS=normal
obState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
equeue=1 Restarts=3 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
unTime=2-10:41:57 TimeLimit=130-05:00:00 TimeMin=N/A
ubmitTime=2019-03-26T08:47:17 EligibleTime=2019-03-26T08:49:18
tartTime=2019-03-26T08:51:38 EndTime=2019-08-03T13:51:38 Deadline=N/A
reemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
artition=slurm_partition AllocNode:Sid=login-node-1:14586
eqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
umNodes=1 NumCPUs=16 NumTasks=1 CPUs/Task=16 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
ocks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=1:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
inCPUsNode=16 MinMemoryNode=32000M MinTmpDiskNode=0
eatures=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
verSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

or more info on a node and its resources

scontrol show node node9
odeName=node9 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocket=4
PUAlloc=16 CPUTot=16 CPULoad=1.38
odeAddr= NodeHostName=mila20684000000 Port=0 Version=18.08
S=Linux 4.15.0-1036 #38-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 7 02:47:47 UTC 2018
ealMemory=32000 AllocMem=32000 FreeMem=23262 Sockets=2 Boards=1
tate=ALLOCATED+CLOUD ThreadsPerCore=2 TmpDisk=0 Weight=1 Owner=N/A MCS_label=N/A
ootTime=2019-03-26T08:50:01 SlurmdStartTime=2019-03-26T08:51:15
urrentWatts=0 LowestJoules=0 ConsumedJoules=0
xtSensorsJoules=n/s ExtSensorsWatts=0 ExtSensorsTemp=n/s

4.2.3. 1.2.3 Useful Commands




Get an interactive job and give you a shell. (ssh like) CPU only

salloc –gres=gpu -c 2 –mem=12000

Get an interactive job with one GPU, 2 CPUs and 12000 MB RAM


start a batch job (same options as salloc)

sattach –pty <jobid>.0

Re-attach a dropped interactive job


status of all nodes

sinfo -Ogres:27,nodelist,features -tidle,mix,alloc

List GPU type and FEATURES that you can request


(Custom) List available gpu

scancel <jobid>

Cancel a job


summary status of all active jobs

squeue -u $USER

summary status of all YOUR active jobs

squeue -j <jobid>

summary status of a specific job

squeue -Ojobid,name,username,partition, state,timeused,nodelist,gres,tres

status of all jobs including requested resources (see the SLURM squeue doc for all output options)

scontrol show job <jobid>

Detailed status of a running job

sacct -j <job_id> -o NodeList

Get the node where a finished job ran

sacct -u $USER -S <start_time> -E <stop_time>

Find info about old jobs

sacct -oJobID,JobName,User,Partition,Node,State

List of current and recent jobs

4.2.4. 1.2.4 Special GPU requirements

Specific GPU architecture and memory can be easily requested through the --gres flag by using either

  • --gres=gpu:architecture:memory:number

  • --gres=gpu:architecture:number

  • --gres=gpu:memory:number

  • --gres=gpu:model:number


To request a Tesla GPU with at least 16GB of memory use

sbatch -c 4 --gres=gpu:tesla:16gb:1

The full list of GPU and their features can be accessed here.

4.2.5. 1.2.5 CPU-only jobs

Since the priority is given to the usage of GPUs, CPU-only jobs have a low priority and can only consume 4 cpus maximum per node. The partition for CPU-only jobs is named cpu_jobs and you can request it with -p cpu_jobs or if you don’t specify any GPU, you will be automatically rerouted to this partition.

4.2.6. 1.2.6 Example script

Here is a sbatch script that follows good practices on the Mila cluster:

 2#SBATCH --partition=unkillable                      # Ask for unkillable job
 3#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2                     # Ask for 2 CPUs
 4#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1                          # Ask for 1 GPU
 5#SBATCH --mem=10G                             # Ask for 10 GB of RAM
 6#SBATCH --time=3:00:00                        # The job will run for 3 hours
 7#SBATCH -o /network/tmp1/<user>/slurm-%j.out  # Write the log on tmp1
 9# 1. Load the required modules
10module --quiet load anaconda/3
12# 2. Load your environment
13conda activate <env_name>
15# 3. Copy your dataset on the compute node
16cp /network/data/<dataset> $SLURM_TMPDIR
18# 4. Launch your job, tell it to save the model in $SLURM_TMPDIR
19#    and look for the dataset into $SLURM_TMPDIR
20python main.py --path $SLURM_TMPDIR --data_path $SLURM_TMPDIR
22# 5. Copy whatever you want to save on $SCRATCH
23cp $SLURM_TMPDIR/<to_save> /network/tmp1/<user>/

4.3. 1.3 Portability concerns and solutions

4.3.1. 1.3.1 Creating a list of your software’s dependencies


4.3.2. 1.3.2 Managing your envs Pip/Virtualenv

Pip is the preferred package manager for Python and each cluster provides several Python versions through the associated module which comes with pip. In order to install new packages, you will first have to create a personal space for them to be stored. The preferred solution (as it is the preferred solution on Compute Canada clusters) is to use virtual environments.

First, load the python module you want to use:

module load python/3.6

Then, create a virtual environment in your home directory:

virtualenv $HOME/<env>

where <env> is the name of your environment. Finally, activate the environment:

source $HOME/<env>/bin/activate

You can now install any python package you wish using the pip command, e.g. pytorch:

pip install torch torchvision

or Tensorflow:

pip install tensorflow-gpu Conda

Another solution for Python is to use miniconda or anaconda which are also available through the module command: (the use of conda is not recommended for Compute Canada Clusters due to the availability of custom-built packages for pip)

module load miniconda/3
=== Module miniconda/3 loaded ===]
o enable conda environment functions, first use:


Then like advised, if you want to enable conda activate/deactivate functions, start the following alias once


To create an environment (see here for details) do:

conda create -n <env> python=3.6

where <env> is the name of your environment. You can now activate it by doing:

conda activate <env>

You are now ready to install any python package you want in this environment. For instance, to install pytorch, you can find the conda command of any version you want on pytorch’s website, e.g:

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

Don’t forget to clean the environment after each install:

conda clean --all

4.3.3. 1.3.3 Using Modules

Many software, such as Python and Conda, are already compiled and available on the cluster through the module command and its sub-commands. In particular, if you with to use Python 3.7 you can simply do:

module load python/3.7 The module command

For a list of available modules, simply use:

module avail
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Aliases ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  cuda/10.0 -> cudatoolkit/10.0    cuda/9.2      -> cudatoolkit/9.2                                 pytorch/1.4.1       -> python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.4.1    tensorflow/1.15 -> python/3.7/tensorflow/1.15
  cuda/10.1 -> cudatoolkit/10.1    mujoco-py     -> python/3.7/mujoco-py/2.0                        pytorch/1.5.0       -> python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.0    tensorflow/2.2  -> python/3.7/tensorflow/2.2
  cuda/10.2 -> cudatoolkit/10.2    mujoco-py/2.0 -> python/3.7/mujoco-py/2.0                        pytorch/1.5.1       -> python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.1
  cuda/11.0 -> cudatoolkit/11.0    pytorch       -> python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.1    tensorflow          -> python/3.7/tensorflow/2.2
  cuda/9.0  -> cudatoolkit/9.0     pytorch/1.4.0 -> python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.4.0    tensorflow-cpu/1.15 -> python/3.7/tensorflow/1.15

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /cvmfs/config.mila.quebec/modules/Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Mila       (S,L)    anaconda/3 (D)    go/1.13.5        miniconda/2        mujoco/1.50        python/2.7    python/3.6        python/3.8           singularity/3.0.3    singularity/3.2.1    singularity/3.5.3 (D)
  anaconda/2          go/1.12.4         go/1.14   (D)    miniconda/3 (D)    mujoco/2.0  (D)    python/3.5    python/3.7 (D)    singularity/2.6.1    singularity/3.1.1    singularity/3.4.2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /cvmfs/config.mila.quebec/modules/Compiler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /cvmfs/config.mila.quebec/modules/Cuda ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  cuda/10.0/cudnn/7.3        cuda/10.0/nccl/2.4         cuda/10.1/nccl/2.4     cuda/11.0/nccl/2.7        cuda/9.0/nccl/2.4     cudatoolkit/9.0     cudatoolkit/10.1        cudnn/7.6/cuda/10.0/tensorrt/7.0
  cuda/10.0/cudnn/7.5        cuda/10.1/cudnn/7.5        cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6    cuda/9.0/cudnn/7.3        cuda/9.2/cudnn/7.6    cudatoolkit/9.2     cudatoolkit/10.2        cudnn/7.6/cuda/10.1/tensorrt/7.0
  cuda/10.0/cudnn/7.6 (D)    cuda/10.1/cudnn/7.6 (D)    cuda/10.2/nccl/2.7     cuda/9.0/cudnn/7.5 (D)    cuda/9.2/nccl/2.4     cudatoolkit/10.0    cudatoolkit/11.0 (D)    cudnn/7.6/cuda/9.0/tensorrt/7.0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /cvmfs/config.mila.quebec/modules/Pytorch --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  python/3.7/cuda/10.1/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.4.1    python/3.7/cuda/10.1/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.1 (D)    python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.0
  python/3.7/cuda/10.1/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.0    python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.4.1        python/3.7/cuda/10.2/cudnn/7.6/pytorch/1.5.1 (D)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /cvmfs/config.mila.quebec/modules/Tensorflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  python/3.7/tensorflow/1.15    python/3.7/tensorflow/2.0    python/3.7/tensorflow/2.2 (D)

Modules can be loaded using the load command:

module load <module>

To search for a module or a software, use the command spider:

module spider search_term

E.g.: by default, python2 will refer to the os-shipped installation of python2.7 and python3 to python3.6. If you want to use python3.7 you can type:

module load python3.7 Available Software

Modules are divided in 5 main sections:




Base interpreter and software (Python, go, etc…)


Interpreter-dependent software (see the note below)


Toolkits, cudnn and related libraries


Pytorch/TF built with a specific Cuda/Cudnn version for Mila’s GPUs (see the related paragraph)


Modules which are nested (../../..) usually depend on other software/module loaded alongside the main module. No need to load the dependent software, the complex naming scheme allows an automatic detection of the dependent module(s):

i.e.: Loading cudnn/7.6/cuda/9.0/tensorrt/7.0 will load cudnn/7.6 and cuda/9.0 alongside

python/3.X is a particular dependency which can be served through python/3.X or anaconda/3 and is not automatically loaded to let the user pick his favorite flavor. Default package location

Python by default uses the user site package first and packages provided by module last to not interfere with your installation. If you want to skip packages installed in your site package (in your /home folder), you have to start Python with the -s flag.

To check which package is loaded at import, you can print package.__file__ to get the full path of the package.


module load pytorch/1.5.0
python -c 'import torch;print(torch.__file__)'
home/mila/my_home/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/__init__.py   <== package from your own site-package

Now with the -s flag:

module load pytorch/1.5.0
python -s -c 'import torch;print(torch.__file__)'

4.3.4. 1.3.4 On using containers

Another option for portable code might also be 1.4   Using containers.

One popular mechanism for containerisation on a computational cluster is called singularity. This is the recommended approach for running containers on the Mila cluster.

Singularity is a software container system designed to facilitate portability and reproducibility of high performance computing (HPC) workflows. It performs a function similar to docker, but with HPC in mind. It is compatible with existing docker containers, and provides tools for building new containers from recipe files or ad-hoc commands.

Building a container is like creating a new environment except that containers are much more powerful since they are self-contain systems. With singularity, there are two ways to build containers.

The first one is by yourself, it’s like when you got a new Linux laptop and you don’t really know what you need, if you see that something is missing, you install it. Here you can get a vanilla container with Ubuntu called a sandbox, you log in and you install each packages by yourself. This procedure can take time but will allow you to understand how things work and what you need. This is recommended if you need to figure out how things will be compiled or if you want to install packages on the fly. We’ll refer to this procedure as singularity sandboxes.

The second one way is more like you know what you want, so you write a list of everything you need, you sent it to singularity and it will install everything for you. Those lists are called singularity recipes. First way: Build and use a sandbox

You might ask yourself; On which machine should I build a container ?

First of all, you need to choose where you’ll build your container. This operation requires memory and high cpu usage.


Do NOT build containers on any login nodes !

  • (Recommended for beginner) If you need to use apt-get, you should build the container on your laptop with sudo privileges. You’ll only need to install singularity on your laptop. Windows/Mac users can look there and Ubuntu/Debian users can use directly:

    sudo apt-get install singularity-container
  • If you can’t install singularity on your laptop and you don’t need apt-get, you can reserve a cpu node on the mila cluster to build your container.

In this case, in order to avoid too much I/O over the network, you should define the singularity cache locally:

  • If you can’t install singularity on your laptop and you want to use apt-get, you can use singularity-hub to build your containers and read Recipe_section. Download containers from the web

Hopefully, you may not need to create containers from scratch as many have been already built for the most common deep learning software. You can find most of them on dockerhub.


(Optional) You can also pull containers from nvidia cloud see nvidia

Go on dockerhub and select the container you want to pull.

For example, if you want to get the latest pytorch version with gpu support (Replace runtime by devel if you need the full CUDA toolkit):

singularity pull docker://pytorch/pytorch:1.0.1-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime

or the latest tensorflow:

singularity pull docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3

Currently the pulled image pytorch.simg or tensorflow.simg is read only meaning that you won’t be able to install anything on it. Starting now, pytorch will be taken as example. If you use tensorflow, simply replace every pytorch occurrences by tensorflow. How to add or install stuff in a container

The first step is to transform your read only container pytorch-1.0.1-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime.simg in a writable version that will allow you to add packages.


Depending of the version of singularity you are using, singularity will build a container with the extension .simg or .sif. If you got .sif files, replace every occurences of .simg by .sif.


If you want to use apt-get you have to put sudo ahead of the following commands

This command will create a writable image in the folder pytorch.

singularity build --sandbox pytorch pytorch-1.0.1-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime.simg

Then you’ll need the following command to log inside the container.

singularity shell --writable -H $HOME:/home pytorch

Once you get into the container, you can use pip and install anything you need (Or with apt-get if you built the container with sudo).


Singularity mount your home, so if you install things into the $HOME of your container, they will be installed in your real $HOME !

You should install your stuff in /usr/local instead. Creating useful directory

One of the benefit of containers is that you’ll be able to use them across different clusters. However for each cluster the dataset and experiment folder location can be different. In order to be invariant to those locations, we will create some useful mount points inside the container:

mkdir /dataset
mkdir /tmp_log
mkdir /final_log

From now, you won’t need to worry anymore when you write your code to specify where to pick up your dataset. Your dataset will always be in /dataset independently of the cluster you are using. Testing

If you have some code that you want to test before finalizing your container, you have two choices. You can either log into your container and run python code inside it with

singularity shell --nv pytorch

or you can execute your command directly with

singularity exec --nv pytorch python YOUR_CODE.py


—nv allows the container to use gpus. You don’t need this if you don’t plan to use a gpu.


Don’t forget to clear the cache of the packages you installed in the containers. Creating a new image from the sandbox

Once everything you need is installed inside the container, you need to convert it back to a read-only singularity image with:

singularity build pytorch_final.simg pytorch Second way: Use recipes

A singularity recipe is a file including specifics about installation software, environment variables, files to add, and container metadata. It is a starting point for designing any custom container. Instead of pulling a container and install your packages manually, you can specify in this file the packages you want and then build your container from this file.

Here is a toy example of a singularity recipe installing some stuff:

################# Header: Define the base system you want to use ################
# Reference of the kind of base you want to use (e.g., docker, debootstrap, shub).
Bootstrap: docker
# Select the docker image you want to use (Here we choose tensorflow)
From: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3

################# Section: Defining the system #################################
# Commands in the %post section are executed within the container.
        echo "Installing Tools with apt-get"
        apt-get update
        apt-get install -y cmake libcupti-dev libyaml-dev wget unzip
        apt-get clean
        echo "Installing things with pip"
        pip install tqdm
        echo "Creating mount points"
        mkdir /dataset
        mkdir /tmp_log
        mkdir /final_log

# Environment variables that should be sourced at runtime.
        # use bash as default shell
        export SHELL

A recipe file contains two parts: the header and sections. In the header you specify which base system you want to use, it can be any docker or singularity container. In sections, you can list the things you want to install in the subsection post or list the environment’s variable you need to source at each runtime in the subsection environment. For a more detailed description, please look at the singularity documentation.

In order to build a singularity container from a singularity recipe file, you should use:

sudo singularity build <NAME_CONTAINER> <YOUR_RECIPE_FILES>


You always need to use sudo when you build a container from a recipe. Build recipe on singularity hub

Singularity hub allows users to build containers from recipes directly on singularity-hub’s cloud meaning that you don’t need anymore to build containers by yourself. You need to register on singularity-hub and link your singularity-hub account to your github account, then

  1. Create a new github repository.

  2. Add a collection on singularity-hub and select the github repository your created.

  3. Clone the github repository on your computer.

  4. Write the singularity recipe and save it as a file nammed Singularity.

  5. Git add Singularity, commit and push on the master branch.

At this point, robots from singularity-hub will build the container for you, you will be able to download your container from the website or directly with:

singularity pull shub://<github_username>/<repository_name> Example: Recipe with openai gym, mujoco and miniworld

Here is an example on how you can use singularity recipe to install complex environment as opanai gym, mujoco and miniworld on a pytorch based container. In order to use mujoco, you’ll need to copy the key stored on the mila cluster in /ai/apps/mujoco/license/mjkey.txt to your current directory.

#This is a dockerfile that sets up a full Gym install with test dependencies
Bootstrap: docker

# Here we ll build our container upon the pytorch container
From: pytorch/pytorch:1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime

# Now we'll copy the mjkey file located in the current directory inside the container's root
# directory

# Then we put everything we need to install
        export PATH=$PATH:/opt/conda/bin
        apt -y update && \
        apt install -y keyboard-configuration && \
        apt install -y \
        python3-dev \
        python-pyglet \
        python3-opengl \
        libhdf5-dev \
        libjpeg-dev \
        libboost-all-dev \
        libsdl2-dev \
        libosmesa6-dev \
        patchelf \
        ffmpeg \
        xvfb \
        libhdf5-dev \
        openjdk-8-jdk \
        wget \
        git \
        unzip && \
        apt clean && \
        rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        pip install h5py

        # Download Gym and Mujoco
        mkdir /Gym && cd /Gym
        git clone https://github.com/openai/gym.git || true && \
        mkdir /Gym/.mujoco && cd /Gym/.mujoco
        wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mjpro150_linux.zip  && \
        unzip mjpro150_linux.zip && \
        wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mujoco200_linux.zip && \
        unzip mujoco200_linux.zip && \
        mv mujoco200_linux mujoco200

        # Export global environment variables
        export MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
        export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco150/
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
        cp /mjkey.txt /Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
        # Install python dependencies
        wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openai/mujoco-py/master/requirements.txt
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        # Install Gym and Mujoco
        cd /Gym/gym
        pip install -e '.[all]'
        # Change permission to use mujoco_py as non sudoer user
        chmod -R 777 /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mujoco_py/
        pip install --upgrade minerl

# Export global environment variables
        export SHELL=/bin/sh
        export MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
        export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco150/
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
        export PATH=/Gym/gym/.tox/py3/bin:$PATH

        exec /bin/sh "$@"

Here is the same recipe but written for TensorFlow.

#This is a dockerfile that sets up a full Gym install with test dependencies
Bootstrap: docker

# Here we ll build our container upon the tensorflow container
From: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3

# Now we'll copy the mjkey file located in the current directory inside the container's root
# directory

# Then we put everything we need to install
        apt -y update && \
        apt install -y keyboard-configuration && \
        apt install -y \
        python3-setuptools \
        python3-dev \
        python-pyglet \
        python3-opengl \
        libjpeg-dev \
        libboost-all-dev \
        libsdl2-dev \
        libosmesa6-dev \
        patchelf \
        ffmpeg \
        xvfb \
        wget \
        git \
        unzip && \
        apt clean && \
        rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

        # Download Gym and Mujoco
        mkdir /Gym && cd /Gym
        git clone https://github.com/openai/gym.git || true && \
        mkdir /Gym/.mujoco && cd /Gym/.mujoco
        wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mjpro150_linux.zip  && \
        unzip mjpro150_linux.zip && \
        wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mujoco200_linux.zip && \
        unzip mujoco200_linux.zip && \
        mv mujoco200_linux mujoco200

        # Export global environment variables
        export MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
        export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco150/
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
        cp /mjkey.txt /Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt

        # Install python dependencies
        wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openai/mujoco-py/master/requirements.txt
        pip install -r requirements.txt
        # Install Gym and Mujoco
        cd /Gym/gym
        pip install -e '.[all]'
        # Change permission to use mujoco_py as non sudoer user
        chmod -R 777 /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/mujoco_py/

        # Then install miniworld
        cd /usr/local/
        git clone https://github.com/maximecb/gym-miniworld.git
        cd gym-miniworld
        pip install -e .

# Export global environment variables
        export SHELL=/bin/bash
        export MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
        export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco150/
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mjpro150/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Gym/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
        export PATH=/Gym/gym/.tox/py3/bin:$PATH

        exec /bin/bash "$@"

Keep in mind that those environment variables are sourced at runtime and not at build time. This is why, you should also define them in the %post section since they are required to install mujuco. Using containers on clusters

On every cluster with SLURM, dataset and intermediate results should go in $SLURM_TMPDIR while the final experiments results should go in $SCRATCH. In order to use the container you built, you need to copy it on the cluster you want to use.


You should always store your container in $SCRATCH !

Then reserve a node with srun/sbatch, copy the container and your dataset on the node given by slurm (i.e in $SLURM_TMPDIR) and execute the code <YOUR_CODE> within the container <YOUR_CONTAINER> with:

singularity exec --nv -H $HOME:/home -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ $SLURM_TMPDIR/<YOUR_CONTAINER> python <YOUR_CODE>

Remember that /dataset, /tmp_log and /final_log were created in the previous section. Now each time, we’ll use singularity, we are explicitly telling it to mount $SLURM_TMPDIR on the cluster’s node in the folder /dataset inside the container with the option -B such that each dataset downloaded by pytorch in /dataset will be available in $SLURM_TMPDIR.

This will allow us to have code and scripts that are invariant to the cluster environment. The option -H specify what will be the container’s home. For example, if you have your code in $HOME/Project12345/Version35/ you can specify -H $HOME/Project12345/Version35:/home, thus the container will only have access to the code inside Version35.

If you want to run multiple commands inside the container you can use:

singularity exec --nv -H $HOME:/home -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ $SLURM_TMPDIR/<YOUR_CONTAINER> bash -c 'pwd && ls && python <YOUR_CODE>' Example: Interactive case (srun/salloc)

Once you get an interactive session with slurm, copy <YOUR_CONTAINER> and <YOUR_DATASET> to $SLURM_TMPDIR

0. Get an interactive session
srun --gres=gpu:1
1. Copy your container on the compute node
2. Copy your dataset on the compute node

then use singularity shell to get a shell inside the container

3. Get a shell in your environment
singularity shell --nv \
        -H $HOME:/home \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ \
        -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ \
4. Execute your code
python <YOUR_CODE>

or use singularity exec to execute <YOUR_CODE>.

3. Execute your code
singularity exec --nv \
        -H $HOME:/home \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ \
        -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ \
        python <YOUR_CODE>

You can create also the following alias to make your life easier.

alias my_env='singularity exec --nv \
        -H $HOME:/home \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ \
        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ \
        -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ \

This will allow you to run any code with:

my_env python <YOUR_CODE> Example: sbatch case

You can also create a sbatch script:

 2#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6         # Ask for 6 CPUs
 3#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1              # Ask for 1 GPU
 4#SBATCH --mem=10G                 # Ask for 10 GB of RAM
 5#SBATCH --time=0:10:00            # The job will run for 10 minutes
 7# 1. Copy your container on the compute node
 9# 2. Copy your dataset on the compute node
11# 3. Executing your code with singularity
12singularity exec --nv \
13        -H $HOME:/home \
14        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ \
15        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ \
16        -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ \
18        python <YOUR_CODE>
19# 4. Copy whatever you want to save on $SCRATCH
20rsync -avz $SLURM_TMPDIR/<to_save> $SCRATCH Issue with PyBullet and OpenGL libraries

If you are running certain gym environments that require pyglet, you may encounter a problem when running your singularity instance with the Nvidia drivers using the --nv flag. This happens because the --nv flag also provides the OpenGL libraries:

libGL.so.1 => /.singularity.d/libs/libGL.so.1
libGLX.so.0 => /.singularity.d/libs/libGLX.so.0

If you don’t experience those problems with pyglet, you probably don’t need to address this. Otherwise, you can resolve those problems by apt-get install -y libosmesa6-dev mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra libgl1-mesa-glx, and then making sure that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to those libraries before the ones in /.singularity.d/libs.

        # ...
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Mila cluster

On the Mila cluster $SCRATCH is not yet defined, you should add the experiment results you want to keep in /network/tmp1/$USER/. In order to use the sbatch script above and to match other cluster environment’s names, you can define $SCRATCH as an alias for /network/tmp1/$USER with:

echo "export SCRATCH=/network/tmp1/$USER" >> ~/.bashrc

Then, you can follow the general procedure explained above. Compute Canada

Using singularity on Compute Canada is similar except that you need to add Yoshua’s account name and load singularity. Here is an example of a sbatch script using singularity on compute Canada cluster:


You should use singularity/2.6 or singularity/3.4. There is a bug in singularity/3.2 which makes gpu unusable.

 2#SBATCH --account=rpp-bengioy     # Yoshua pays for your job
 3#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6         # Ask for 6 CPUs
 4#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1              # Ask for 1 GPU
 5#SBATCH --mem=32G                 # Ask for 32 GB of RAM
 6#SBATCH --time=0:10:00            # The job will run for 10 minutes
 7#SBATCH --output="/scratch/<user>/slurm-%j.out" # Modify the output of sbatch
 9# 1. You have to load singularity
10module load singularity
11# 2. Then you copy the container to the local disk
13# 3. Copy your dataset on the compute node
15# 4. Executing your code with singularity
16singularity exec --nv \
17        -H $HOME:/home \
18        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/dataset/ \
19        -B $SLURM_TMPDIR:/tmp_log/ \
20        -B $SCRATCH:/final_log/ \
22        python <YOUR_CODE>
23# 5. Copy whatever you want to save on $SCRATCH
24rsync -avz $SLURM_TMPDIR/<to_save> $SCRATCH

4.4. 1.4 Using containers

Docker containers are now available on the local cluster with a root-less system called Shifter integrated into Slurm. It is still in beta and be careful with this usage

4.4.1. 1.4.1 Initialising your Containers

To first use a container, you have to pull it to the local registry to be converted to a Shifter-compatible image.

shifterimg pull docker:image_name:latest

You can list available images with

shifterimg images

DO NOT USE IMAGES WITH SENSITIVE INFORMATION yet, it will soon be possible. For now, every image is pulled to a common registry but access-control will soon be implemented.

4.4.2. 1.4.2 Using in Slurm Containerized Batch job

You must use the --image=docker:image_name:latest directive to specify the container to use. Once the container is mounted, you are not yet inside the container’s file-system, you must use the shifter command to execute a command in the chroot environment of the container.


2#SBATCH --image=docker:image_name:latest
3#SBATCH --nodes=1
4#SBATCH --partition=low
6shifter python myPythonScript.py args Container Interactive job

Using the salloc command, you can request the image while getting the allocation

salloc -c2 --mem=16g --image=docker:image_name:latest

and once in the job, you can activate the container’s environment with the shifter command

shifter /bin/bash

4.4.3. 1.4.3 Command line

shifter support various options on the command line but you should be set with the image name and the command to execute:

shifter [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--image=<imageType>:<imageTag>]
    [--entrypoint[=command]] [--workdir[=/path]]
    [-E|--clearenv] [-e|--env=<var>=<value>] [--env-file=/env/file
    [-- /command/to/exec/in/shifter [args...]]

4.4.4. 1.4.4 Volumes

/home/yourusername, /Tmp, /ai and all /network/.. sub-folders are mounted inside the container.

4.4.5. 1.4.5 GPU

To access the GPU inside a container, you need to specify --module=nvidia on the sbatch/salloc/shifter command line

shifter --image=centos:7 --module=nvidia bash

Following folders will be mounted in the container:






Cuda libraries and bin, added to PATH



To access nvidia-smi



LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be set to /nvidia/lib


  • Use image names in 3 parts to avoid confusion: _type:name:tag_

  • Please keep in mind that root is squashed on Shifter images, so the software should be installed in a way that is executable to someone with user-level permissions.

  • Currently the /etc and /var directories are reserved for use by the system and will be overwritten when the image is mounted

  • The container is not isolated so you share the network card and all hardware from the host, no need to forward ports

4.4.6. 1.4.6 Example

username@login-2:~$ shifterimg pull docker:alpine:latest
2019-10-11T20:12:42 Pulling Image: docker:alpine:latest, status: READY

username@login-2:~$ salloc -c2 --gres=gpu:1 --image=docker:alpine:latest
salloc: Granted job allocation 213064
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes eos20 are ready for job

username@eos20:~$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS"

username@eos20:~$ shifter sh
~ $ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.10"

~ $

4.5. 1.5 Contributing datasets

4.5.1. 1.5.1 Add a dataset for Mila users

If a dataset could help the research of others at Mila, this form can be filled to request it’s addition to /network/datasets.

Those datasets can be mirrored to the Béluga cluster in ~/projects/rrg-bengioy-ad/data/curated/ if they follow Compute Canada’s good practices on data.

4.5.2. 1.5.2 Publicly share a Mila dataset

Mila offers two ways to publicly share a Mila dataset:

Note that these options are not mutually exclusive and both can be used.

We do host Mila datasets using Academic Torrent and we also offer Google Drive space. Academic Torrent

Mila hosts/seeds some datasets created by the Mila community through Academic Torrent. The first step is to create an account and a torrent file.

Then drop the dataset in /miniscratch/transit_datasets and send the Academic Torrent url to Mila’s helpdesk. If the dataset does not reside on the Mila clusterm, only the Academic Torrent url would be needed to proceed with the initial download. Then you can delete / stop sharing your copy. Google Drive

Only a member of the staff team can upload to Mila’s Google Drive which requires to first drop the dataset in /miniscratch/transit_datasets. Then, contact Mila’s helpdesk and provide the following informations:

  • directory containing the dataset in /miniscratch/transit_datasets

  • the name of the dataset

  • the arXiv and GitHub urls (those can be sent later if the article is still in the submission process)

  • instructions to know if the dataset needs to be unziped, untared or else before uploading to Google Drive Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

It is recommended to get a DOI to reference the dataset. A DOI is a permanent id/url which prevents losing references of online scientific data. https://figshare.com can be used to create a DOI:

  • Go in My Data

  • Create an item by clicking Create new item

  • Check Metadata record only at the top

  • Fill the metadata fields

Then reference the dataset using https://doi.org like this: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.2066037

4.6. 1.6 Notebooks

4.6.1. 1.6.1 JupyterHub

JupyterHub is a platform connected to SLURM to start a JupyterLab session as a batch job then connects it when the allocation has been granted. It does not require any ssh tunnel or port redirection, the hub acts as a proxy server that will redirect you to a session as soon as it is available.

It is currently available for Mila clusters and some Compute Canada clusters (under PBS)



Login type

Mila Local


Google Oauth

Mila Cloud GCP


Google Oauth

Compute Canada


CC login


Do not forget to close the JupyterLab session! Closing the window leaves running the session and the SLURM job it is linked to.

To close it, use the hub menu and then Control Panel > Stop my server


For Mila Clusters:

mila.quebec account’s credential should be used to login and start a JupyterLab session. Access Mila Storage in JupyterLab

Unfortunatly, JupyterLab does not allow the navigation to parent directories of $HOME. This makes some file systems like /network/datasets or $SLURM_TMPDIR unavailable through their absolute path in the interface. It is however possible to create symbolic links to those resources. To do so, you can use the ln -s command:

ln -s /network/datasets $HOME

Note that $SLURM_TMPDIR is a directory that is dinamycaly created for each job so you would need to recreate the symbolic link everytime you start a JupyterHub session:


4.7. 1.7 Advanced SLURM usage and Multiple GPU jobs

4.7.1. 1.7.1 Handling preemption

There are 2 types of preemption:

  • On the local cluster: jobs can preempt one-another depending on their priority (unkillable>high>low) (See the Slurm documentation)

  • On the cloud clusters: virtual machines can be preempted as a limitation of less expensive virtual machines (spot/low priority)

On the local cluster, the default preemption mechanism is to killed and re-queue the job automatically without any notice. To allow a different preemption mechanism, every partition have been duplicated (i.e. have the same characteristics as their counterparts) allowing a 120sec grace period before killing your job but don’t requeue it automatically: those partitions are referred by the suffix: -grace (main-grace, low-grace, cpu_jobs-grace).

When using a partition with a grace period, a series of signals consisting of first SIGCONT and SIGTERM then SIGKILL will be sent to the SLURM job. It’s good practice to catch those signals using the Linux trap command to properly terminate a job and save what’s necessary to restart the job. On each cluster, you’ll be allowed a grace period before SLURM actually kills your job (SIGKILL).

The easiest way to handle preemption is by trapping the SIGTERM signal

 1#SBATCH --ntasks=1
 2#SBATCH ....
 4exit_script() {
 5    echo "Preemption signal, saving myself"
 6    trap - SIGTERM # clear the trap
 7    # Optional: sends SIGTERM to child/sub processes
 8    kill -- -$$
11trap exit_script SIGTERM
13# The main script part
14python3 my_script


The local Slurm cluster does not allow a grace period before preempting a
job while requeuing it automatically, therefore your job will be cancelled at
the end of the grace period.
To automatically requeue it, you can just add the sbatch command inside
your exit_script function.

The following table summarizes the different preemption mode and grace periods:



Grace Period






Google Gloud (GCP)




Amazon (AWS)





4.7.2. 1.7.2 Packing jobs Sharing a GPU between processes

srun, when used in a batch job is responsible for starting tasks on the allocated resources (see srun) SLURM batch script

1#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
2#SBATCH --output=myjob_output_wrapper.out
3#SBATCH --ntasks=2
4#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
5#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
6#SBATCH --mem=18G
7srun -l --output=myjob_output_%t.out python script args

this will run python 2 times, each process with 4 CPUs with the same arguments --output=myjob_output_%t.out will create 2 output files appending the task id (%t) to the filename and 1 global log file for things happening outside the srun command.

Knowing that, if you want to have 2 different arguments to the python program, you can use a multi-prog configuration file: srun -l --multi-prog silly.conf

0  python script firstarg
1  python script secondarg

or by specifying a range of tasks

0-1  python script %t

%t being the taskid that your python script will parse. Note the -l on the srun command: this will prepend each line with the taskid (0:, 1:) Sharing a node with multiple GPU 1process/GPU

On Compute Canada, several nodes, especially nodes with largeGPU (P100) are reserved for jobs requesting the whole node, therefore packing multiple processes in a single job can leverage faster GPU.

If you want different tasks to access different GPUs in a single allocation you need to create an allocation requesting a whole node and using srun with a subset of those resources (1 GPU).

Keep in mind that every resource not specified on the srun command while inherit the global allocation specification so you need to split each resource in a subset (except –cpu-per-task which is a per-task requirement)

Each srun represents a job step (%s).

Example for a GPU node with 24 cores and 4 GPUs and 128G of RAM Requesting 1 task per GPU

 2#SBATCH --nodes=1-1
 3#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
 4#SBATCH --output=myjob_output_wrapper.out
 5#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
 6#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
 7srun --gres=gpu:1 -n1 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s.out --exclusive --multi-prog python script args1 &
 8srun --gres=gpu:1 -n1 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s.out --exclusive --multi-prog python script args2 &
 9srun --gres=gpu:1 -n1 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s.out --exclusive --multi-prog python script args3 &
10srun --gres=gpu:1 -n1 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s.out --exclusive --multi-prog python script args4 &

This will create 4 output files:

  • JOBID-step-0.out

  • JOBID-step-1.out

  • JOBID-step-2.out

  • JOBID-step-3.out Sharing a node with multiple GPU & multiple processes/GPU

Combining both previous sections, we can create a script requesting a whole node with four GPUs, allocating 1 GPU per srun and sharing each GPU with multiple processes

Example still with a 24 cores/4 GPUs/128G RAM Requesting 2 tasks per GPU

 2#SBATCH --nodes=1-1
 3#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
 4#SBATCH --output=myjob_output_wrapper.out
 5#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
 6#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=3
 7srun --gres=gpu:1 -n2 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s-task-%t.out --exclusive --multi-prog silly.conf &
 8srun --gres=gpu:1 -n2 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s-task-%t.out --exclusive --multi-prog silly.conf &
 9srun --gres=gpu:1 -n2 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s-task-%t.out --exclusive --multi-prog silly.conf &
10srun --gres=gpu:1 -n2 --mem=30G -l --output=%j-step-%s-task-%t.out --exclusive --multi-prog silly.conf &

--exclusive is important to specify subsequent step/srun to bind to different cpus.

This will produce 8 output files, 2 for each step:

  • JOBID-step-0-task-0.out

  • JOBID-step-0-task-1.out

  • JOBID-step-1-task-0.out

  • JOBID-step-1-task-1.out

  • JOBID-step-2-task-0.out

  • JOBID-step-2-task-1.out

  • JOBID-step-3-task-0.out

  • JOBID-step-3-task-1.out

Running nvidia-smi in silly.conf, while parsing the output, we can see 4 GPUs allocated and 2 tasks per GPU

cat JOBID-step-* | grep Tesla
0: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:04:00.0 Off |                    0 |
1: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:04:00.0 Off |                    0 |
0: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:83:00.0 Off |                    0 |
1: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:83:00.0 Off |                    0 |
0: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:82:00.0 Off |                    0 |
1: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:82:00.0 Off |                    0 |
0: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:03:00.0 Off |                    0 |
1: |   0  Tesla P100-PCIE...  On   | 00000000:03:00.0 Off |                    0 |

4.8. 1.8 Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

4.8.1. 1.8.1 Connection/SSH issues I’m getting connection refused while trying to connect to a login node

Login nodes are protected against brute force attacks and might ban your IP if it detects too many connections/failures. You can try to unban yourself by using the following web page: https://unban.server.mila.quebec/

4.8.2. 1.8.2 Shell issues How do I change my shell

By default you will be assigned /bin/bash as a shell. If you would like to change for another one, please submit a support ticket.

4.8.3. 1.8.3 SLURM issues How can I get an interactive shell on the cluster ?

Use salloc [--slurm_options] without any executable at the end of the command, this will launch your default shell on an interactive session. Remember that an interactive session is bound to the login node where you start it so you could risk loosing your job if the login node becomes unreachable. srun: error: –mem and –mem-per-cpu are mutually exclusive

You can safely ignore this, salloc has a default memory flag in case you don’t provide one. How can I see where and if my jobs are running ?

Use squeue -u YOUR_USERNAME to see all your job status and locations. To get more info on a running job, try scontrol show job #JOBID Unable to allocate resources: Invalid account or account/partition combination specified

Chances are your account is not setup properly. You should file a ticket in our helpdesk: https://it-support.mila.quebec/ . How do I cancel a job?

Use the scancel #JOBID command with the job ID of the job you want cancelled. In the case you want to cancel all your jobs, type scancel -u YOUR_USERNAME. You can also cancel all your pending jobs for instance with scancel -t PD. How can access a node on which one of my job is running ?

You can ssh into a node on which you have a job running, your ssh connection will be adopted by your job, i.e. if your job finishes your ssh connection will be automatically terminated. In order to connect to a node, you need to have password-less ssh either with a key present in your home or with an ssh-agent. You can generate a key on the login node for password-less like this:

ssh-keygen (3xENTER)
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 ~/.ssh I’m getting Permission denied (publickey) while trying to connect to a node ?

See previous question Where do I put my data during a job ?

Your /home as well as the datasets are on shared file-systems, it is recommended to copy them to the $SLURM_TMPDIR to better process them and leverage higher-speed local drives. If you run a low priority job subject to preemption, it’s better to keep any output you want to keep on the shared file systems because the $SLURM_TMPDIR is deleted at the end of each job. slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in step #####.batch cgroup

You exceeded the amount of memory allocated to your job, either you did not request enough memory or you have a memory leak in your process. Try increasing the amount of memory requested with --mem= or --mem-per-cpu=. fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

You exceeded the limit of 2000 tasks/PIDs in your job, it probably means there is an issue with a sub-process spawning too many processes in your script. For any help with your software, please contact the helpdesk.