Visual Studio Code

One editor of choice for many researchers is VSCode. One feature of VSCode is remote editing through SSH. This allows you to edit files on the cluster as if they were local. You can also debug your programs using VSCode’s debugger, open terminal sessions, etc.

Connecting to the cluster

VSCode cannot be used to edit code on the login nodes, because it is a heavy enough process (a node process, plus the language server, linter, and possibly other plugins depending on your configured environment) that there is a risk of overloading the login nodes if too many researchers did it at the same time.

Therefore, to use VSCode on the cluster, you first need to allocate a compute node, then connect to that node.

The milatools package provides a command to make the operation easier. More info can be found here.

Activating an environment


To activate a conda or pip environment, you can open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P and type “Python: Select interpreter”. This will prompt you for the path to the Python executable for your environment.


If you already have the environment activated in a terminal session, you can run the command which python to get the path for this environment. This path can be pasted into the interpreter selection prompt in VSCode to use that same environment.


“Cannot reconnect”

When connecting to multiple compute nodes (and/or from multiple computers), some instances may crash with that message because of conflicts in the lock files VSCode installs in ~/.vscode-server (which is shared on all compute nodes). To fix this issue, you can change this setting in your settings.json file:

{ "remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp": true }

This will store the necessary lockfiles in /tmp on the compute nodes (which are local to the node).

Debugger timeouts

Sometimes, slowness on the compute node or the networked filesystem might cause the VSCode debugger to timeout when starting a remote debug process. As a quick fix, you can add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or equivalent resource file for your preferred shell, to increase the timeout delay to 500 seconds: